Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Obama Says

Here's the latest from Senator Obama as reported by CNN

Obama on Wednesday said he was "deeply committed" to helping Israelis achieve a lasting peace with Palestinians who are prepared to accept the state of Israel, renounce terrorism and abide by agreements.

We like the idea. We hate to be picky, but will he please show us which "Palestinians" meet all three of his criteria.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Why Hide the Terroist's Name??

This afternoon another terrorist tried to kill and maim Jews in Jerusalem by running them over with a tractor. According to the latest reports, none were killed but over twenty were wounded. Apparently, one of the victims lost a leg.

Now here is a stupid Israeli government trick. For some reason, the Israeli government doesn't want people to know who this terrorist is.

Here's an article from Arutz 7:

Censor Forbids Identifying Terrorist
19 Tammuz 5768, 22 July 08 06:27
( The tractor terrorist who tried to murder Jews in Jerusalem shortly after 2 p.m. is a relative of a member of the Hamas Legislature, Mohammed Abu Tir, who is in jail for suspected involvement in terrorism. The government has obtained a court order "against publication of any details regarding identity" of the terrorist.

He was identified on Voice of Israel government radio until the gag order was issued.

In case you were wondering about who this dirt-bag is, we were able to grab it from DebkaFile. Here are the last two paragraphs of their article:

The terrorist was Ghassen Abu Tir, 22, from Umm Tuba, a Palestinian village in southeast Jerusalem, who was employed at the building site. He was a relative of Muhammed Abu Tir, a Hamas lawmaker held in an Israeli jail.

The Hizballah-sponsored Galilee Liberation Brigades claimed this attack like the first bulldozer rampage of July 2 when another Jerusalem Palestinian killed three people and caused heavy damage on Jerusalem’s Jaffa Street.

I've provided the links to these two articles, though I don't know if DebkaFile will be forced to take down their article.